
My main objective is to solve the problem of the current coreXY printer which is the printing speed is too slow. In this printer I have implemented a microcomputer Raspberry Pi with Klipper firmware to control the microcontroller ATmega2560 which can process the Gcode faster which partly lead to the goal. Secondly, I have customized the X gantry with topology optiomization in SolidWorks and self-CNC with 3mm aluminum tube.


  • The Klipper firmware enhance the performance of 3D printers by offloading complex processing tasks from the printer's mainboard to a host computer-Raspberry Pi 3B+. This offloading allows for faster and more precise movement control, resulting in improved print quality and smoother motion.
  • The lightweight X gantry significantly reduces printhead jerk, mitigating print flaws often caused by printhead vibration. Additionally, a gyroscope MPU6050 installed on the printhead aids in calibrating vibrations throughout the print process.
  • An expansive LCD screen featuring a custom user interface facilitates effortless print monitoring. Additionally, a webcam is integrated to enable remote printer viewing via the web server, enhancing print job control and management.
  • Building the frame

  • Special features include heat-resistant ABS plastic, maintaining lightweight properties for moving parts, and MGN12H linear rail, which effectively reduces jiggling compared to other bearings and rods commonly found in printers on the market.
  • The closed chamber design, coupled with an aluminum extrusion frame, effectively retains heat within the chamber, creating an ideal environment for printing ABS and ASA plastics. This setup ensures the necessary high bed and chamber temperatures to minimize warping during printing.
  • Double Z-axis mounting is achieved by employing a single powerful motor with a closed belt system, ensuring synchronization and minimizing wobbling effects during printing.
  • Testing the custom UI on LCD screen

  • I've customized the UI to be simpler, trimming down unnecessary features that I seldom use from the stock version.
  • In the video, I was testing the homing function. Previously, there was an issue where the printer moved in the opposite direction when I pressed the homing button, indicating movement contrary to the contact switch's position.
  • After reexamining the coreXY type printer, I have once again adjusted the motor direction to align with the intended movement direction.
  • Test print with the speed of 150 mm/s

    In the video I have set up the printing configuration with the speed of 150 mm/s and the acceleration is 8000 mm/s^2 . The test prints are simple shapes: a square cube 30x30x30mm.

    Outcome: The print completed four times faster than on the Ender 5/Ultimaker. Overhangs were flawlessly printed thanks to the efficient operation of the cooling fan. The surface maintains precision without any visible layering effects, ensuring stability without vibrations during printing.